Membrane-based Environmental & Sustainable Technology (MembEST) Group
Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong
Prospect Postdocs and Research Assistant Professors
The MemBEST group has multiple vacancies for high-caliber postdocs. Truly outstanding candidates will be considered at the level of Research Assistant Professor. You are welcome to email your CV to for consideration. Due to overwhelming submissions, I may not reply all requests.
Potential Research Areas
Our group is interested in a variety of research topics. While the core research area of the group is membrane technology and its environmental applications (desalination, water reuse, wastewater treatment, etc.), we welcome any complementary and/or emerging topics that can expand the scope of the group. For example, we are interested in new materials, fabrication methods, processes, applications, environmental impact assessment, simulation, the application of AI and machine learning in our field, etc.
Required Qualifications
1. A PhD degree (or equivalent) in one of the following:
Environmental Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Material Science and Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Or any other disciplines/experiences that contribute/complement to the strength of our group
The bottom-line for a hiring at the postdoc level is that you are expected to contribute to the sustainable growth of the group (see the responsivities section).
2. Strong research track record, strong publications, curiosity and passion for a research-based career, good command of English and presentation skills.
3. Good writing skills and ability for performing independent research studies are essential for the appointment of a postdoc.
Expected Responsibilities
For Postdocs
Lead independent research studies/topics
Prepare manuscripts
Manage research projects and prepare progress reports
Assist in mentoring of PhD, master, and undergraduate students in our lab
Prepare internal and external research proposals
Additional Expectations for Research Assistant Professors
Teach undergraduate and graduate courses
Compete for internal and external grants
Co-supervise research students
Available Funding Schemes
RGC Postdoc Fellowship (funded by the Research Grants Council)
Eligibility requirement: within 3 years after completing PhD studies
Open yearly, highly competitive scheme with strong recognition
Nomination typically starts in August each year (express your interest well ahead of the dateline)
Require the submission of a research proposal
Research Talent Hub Scheme (funded by ITC)
Eligibility requirement:
A bachelor/master /doctoral degree awarded by a local university in Hong Kong; or
A PhD degree in a well-recognized non-local institution (e.g., subject ranking in the global Top 100 based on QS Ranking or other equivalent ranking)
The degree should be related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics ("STEM")
We are expecting several positions under this scheme
Hong Kong Scholar Scheme (funded by the HK Scholar Program)
Eligibility requirement: The program is targeting for Mainland-based researchers with a PhD degree
HKU Postdoc Fellow/Research Assistant Professor Scheme (University of Hong Kong)
A competitive internal scheme with co-funding arrangement between the University, Faculty, and the PI
Outstanding candidates are welcome to join at the level of Research Assistant Professor
Typically open in November each year (express your interest well ahead of the dateline)
Require the submission of a research proposal
(new) Presidential Research Assistant Professor Scheme (University of Hong Kong)
Highly competitive scheme (with high prestige and excellent package)
Requirements: 2-5 years of post-PhD experience; outstanding research track record
A short research proposal is required for consideration
Postdoc supported by project funding
Limited number of positions are available